Human Machine Interaction 



Course Overview

This course will introduce candidates to Human Machine Interaction (HMI) and focus on designing interaction technologies for different environments from physical world to virtual world. It will walk through different modalities of interacting with machines(HMI) / computers(HCI) from history to state-of-the-art. It will emphasise on the methods of designing and evaluating different user interfaces (UI) to enhance user experience (UX). The candidates will get exposed to existing state-of-the-art technologies like eye-gaze tracking, hand-movement tracking, full-body motion tracking and have a hands-on experience working with these systems to build and develop new technologies for present and future. They will also get exposed to different programming languages like Visual C#, Python and multiple hardware platforms like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, NodeMCU / Seeduino (IoT module). This course will also help them in extending their careers in HCI for automotive, aviation, music, robotics (HRI), Severe Speech and Motor Impairment (SSMI) community. 

Venue: 601H-O, 5th floor, Diamond Jubilee Building, Department of Design

Time: Monday, Thursday 2PM-3.30PM

Course Objectives:

Candidates will have access to HIVE (Harmony, Interaction, Versatile Exploration Lab), the first HMI lab at IIT Kanpur, for doing the projects and hands on training. No prerequisites required for this course. Prior knowledge/experience in Arduino and python programming may be helpful but not mandatory. This is an interdisciplinary course that trains students in designing and developing interaction technologies in physical as well as virtual world. It gives a foundation of programming the front-end as well as back-end of a GUI and integrate with the hardware system developed using Arduino or Raspberry pi.  This course is structured in such a way that the candidates will learn the concepts by practice (design projects).

Topics covered: 

Based on students’ interest and project requirements, they will be guided in learning and practicing the following in their projects.

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Lecture Notes


Machines, sense, Waves of HCI 

Affordance, Signifiers, Fitts Law

Interaction Modalities, GUI

Eye Gaze, Hand tracking, Gestures 

Data, Python

Data Visualization, Sonification, Physicalisation

Design Thinking Workshop

HMI Research Methodology